Introducing the Participative Audio Lab (PAL)
PAL is an initiative aimed at harvesting a culture of open creation through the development of open source tools for participative music distribution.
Read more about the proposed vision here
Read more about the proposed vision here
The Context:
Our models of connection and forms of culture distribution are deeply permeated by flawed industrial methods of creation based on control and extraction, generating a society of commodified attention.
Setting creation as a closed-control process has conceived a culture of ubiquitous uniformity; value can solely be tracked by the quantity of connections rather than quality of connections. Amongst several outcomes, this has created a shallow perception of value in culture creators, which implies that culture is built by repetitive content rather than by unique meanings.
Beyond our current deficient cultural practices, today we are facing the consequences of systematic extraction and control over our environments. We will not be able to reverse these issues until we fundamentally start to understand creation as a open and variable activity that is subject to change, as a system adaptable to the embedded chaos in nature.
We will not be able to reverse these issues until we create new infrastructure of communication where creation is conceived as a cooperative act and an open system where, parallel to nature, it can be subject to change and apatations.
It is in this context where the Participative Audio Lab (PAL) is created. In the midst of a culture of closed creative control, PAL is an initiative aimed at harvesting a culture of open creation through the development of tools for participative music distribution.
The vision:
harvesting a culture of open creation.
To find new forms of public music composition, is thus to find new forms of social organization.
From music ecologies to cultural structures and finally to general social forms of organization, we can genearate a systematic change in society through systems of participation in music.
Creating new music ecologies
By distributing new forms of control over the creative process, we can create a new layer of intimacy between the composer and its public as an alternative dynamic to the current industrialized forms of music distribution and platform control. Fully accessible systems of participation can henceforth compliment the recording paradigm with a new layer of experience between the artist and its audience.
Opening new cultural landscapes
By allowing a space of interaction and enabling a new free distribution dynamic of the creative process, we can create a sense of open interconnection within this cultural structure, henceforth enabling open media ecologies.
A open media ecology is thus a cultural system where the participation of the creative process isn’t closed solely to the connoisseur, but rather it is actively designed to remain open to public participation.
Open media ecologies are deeply essential as a way to provide a new spirit in communication. Allowing new mechanisms of interaction to the public is awarding them new conceptions of action and attention from and towards our environments. Following the law of requisite variety, our potential for creation and imagination is directly proportional to the way we envision and treat our environments.
A open media ecology is thus a cultural system where the participation of the creative process isn’t closed solely to the connoisseur, but rather it is actively designed to remain open to public participation.
Open media ecologies are deeply essential as a way to provide a new spirit in communication. Allowing new mechanisms of interaction to the public is awarding them new conceptions of action and attention from and towards our environments. Following the law of requisite variety, our potential for creation and imagination is directly proportional to the way we envision and treat our environments.
Harvesting a culture of open creation
Involving the creative process as a standard element within the medium is awarding the public the power and essence of creation. Beyond a simple moment of play, a redefinition of the entire media ecologies is occuring; an evolution from a closed model which establishes creation as a process of closed control, into an open model which actively promotes creation as a participative and adaptive experience. In other words, we are moving into an open model which actively invites the unknown person to the unknown experience, instead of inviting the unknown person to the known experience.
Being with the unknown is hence, being by surrendering, or rather, being by not controling.
It is at this moment, that a culture of open creation is born. When the seeds of cultural surrendering begin to exist parallel to the seeds of cultural control, we can begin to harvest an open society.
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Being with the unknown is hence, being by surrendering, or rather, being by not controling.
It is at this moment, that a culture of open creation is born. When the seeds of cultural surrendering begin to exist parallel to the seeds of cultural control, we can begin to harvest an open society.